Name: Sally Vancini Date: 11/10/2013 Message: I love receiving your e-mails and enjoy the photos you include. Whidby Island is truly a very special place and have fond memories of visiting your farm as well as the rest of the island two years ago! Name: Chris Daley - Woodburn, Oregon Date: 09/17/2013 Message: I can hardly wait until you get more Cosmos seeds. Cosmos are one of my favorite flowers and I would love to have some chocolate ones in my "chocolate section" of my flower garden. Name: Patty McGarvin Date: 09/09/2013 Message: Hi Marie, Listen, I want to move and be your neighbor-----love love love your flowers, candles and jam. I promise I will work for FREE just to be able to enjoy the Amazing Chocolate Flower Farm.... Name: Barbara Lavaty Date: 09/05/2013 Message: I have a Abutilon Red Tiger and was looking for winter care instructions when I happened upon your site. I have property on Whidbey and plan on moving there next year. Did not know you sold your plants and seeds. May buy some right now for my property in Portland. What is available? Name: Zee Scott Date: 08/14/2013 Message: Been wanting to visit since seeing you in Sunset magazine years ago. Maybe next year Name: Cheryl jones Date: 08/11/2013 Message: Please send me a reminder to bring in my chocolate cosmos this fall. Name: Pee Wee McGehee Date: 07/29/2013 Message: Love. love all the plants from you and Sweet Peas are Beautiful. Thank You Name: Bonnie Carpenter Date: 05/15/2013 Message: Love your site. Hopefully next year I'll get some of your plants before they sell out Name: Mary A. Date: 05/11/2013 Message: Thank you Marie! We received our order and everything is perfect. Looking forward to digging in the dirt this weekend. :) Have a wonderful day! Name: Julia L Harris Date: 03/27/2013 Message: I love your adorable shop and flower farm. I'm sure you have worked yourself to death have such a dream come true but you are truly and inspiration for so many. |