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Name: Rhonda Smith
Date: 10/24/2008
Message: I came across your site as I was looking for unique chocolate gifts and notice you are located in Langley. My dad was born on Whidbey Island and I believe my aunt still lives there in Oak Harbor? (I think that is correct. It is always nice to see businesses from Washington State. Good Luck and maybe some day I will make it back up there for a visit.

Name: Monique Romero
Date: 10/16/2008
Message: I love chocolate and flowers and gardening so this is the greatest combination! Thanks!

Name: Marie E. Grandy
Date: 10/15/2008
Message: I have just signed up for your first ever print catalog, I understand it will be making a February appearance....Do hope she arrives for valentines day....I love chocolates for valentines day!

Name: Marleen
Date: 09/10/2008
Message: Love your signs!

Name: Susan Savad
Date: 08/26/2008
Message: What a great idea for a store. I love plants and flowers also and this is the first time I've seen a store that specializes in only dark plants. Best Wishes, Susan Savad Give the Gift of Flowers that Never Fade

Name: Brigitte
Date: 08/11/2008
Message: Hi Enjoyed the shoe on HGTV I love chocolate also. Thanks Chocolate Lover

Name: I. Reeder-Jackson
Date: 08/10/2008
Message: I watched your segment on HGTV Gardening By The Yard. I was very impressed.I just loved your garden.

Name: Carol Foos-Coffman
Date: 08/10/2008
Message: Love your web site!

Name: I.J. Parker Mansfield Oh.
Date: 08/08/2008
Message: I saw your add in Paula Deen's Chocolate Celebration Magazine. Cant't wait to receive my order.

Name: steve
Date: 08/07/2008
Message: Thank goodness for the article in the Horticulture Magazine. We look for to seeing some of your suggestions in our garden next summer

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    Chocolate Flower Farm
    5040 Saratoga Road, Langley, WA  98260


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